Let me ask straightly? Do you have a web site?
YES, wow sounds good. But are you getting
enough leads through it and is your web site appearing when you search for it in Google??
Well, keep reading if your answer is NO.
While your website is buried under your competitors they are securing clients which should have been yours. They are grabbing your customers. A successful SEO strategy ensures your website appear in top of Google search results while it maximizes your return on investment (ROI).

Frequently Asked Questions
What we can do?
We can provide a personalized SEO strategy, catering exclusively to your business goals. If you allow our methods, your web site will much improve visibility and a better ranking on Google and other search engines. Our actions will ensure the website attracts more user traffic and in return your brand gets due recognition with growing customer base.
What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.
How long does the optimization process take?
This depends on the efforts given by you. But, obviously low competition keywords would rank fast than higher competition keywords. However, with the off page optimization tacktics of link building process it will take up to approximately 6 months to get rank.
What is keyword analysis?
Keyword analysis means finding the right keyword set for your business profile. This includes lots of keyword research and knowledge on analyze the keywords with tools. We strongly recommend you to try Google Keyword Planner as it is a free tool.
Do you offer both on-page and off-page SEO marketing services?
Absolutely! Code Hub Search Engine Optimization services look at all aspects of your web presences, including your backlink structure, code methods, and keyword strategy to ensure the best possible results.
Is there a minimum term contract?
We recommended to go for 6 months price package. Anyhow, SEO consider as a long term continuous process.
How long will it take to see results?
It depends on the keyword competition you are target on. For higher competition keywords take long time for ranking than medium or low level competition keywords.
Why are SEO services so expensive?
SEO is part art and part science. It is also required knowledge on research, technical & non-technical. The whole process take a long period of time where you need to be patient. The huge discrepancy in pricing for SEO can also be provide higher Return On Investment (ROI) for your business.
Do you offer Custom SEO Packages?
Of course! Each website is unique, so should your campaign should be too. Each of our SEO Packages will fit the majority of our clients, but custom SEO packages and services are always available.
Grab Your FREE SEO Consultation Today…!
We will prepare a personalized SEO report on your web site, so you get an idea what needs to be done and how.
Let me reiterate, this SEO report is completed free of charge. Consultation is free of charge, no obligation.
What’s next?
Just drop us a email with your web site address: [email protected]
Inquire Now

Excited? Let’s talk
CodeHub (Pvt) Ltd., 64/2/15, Arunalu Uyana, Wathuraboda Road, Malwana
Phone Number
+94 77 394 6948